Arcane Circle

Collection of Artifacts, Relics, and Special items

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Arcane Circle Home Page

Legacy Relics

Items that have either been sold, destroyed, or removed are kept her for reference.


The Looking Glass


Sands of Time

Dapper Demon Merchandise

Detailed Explanations and Mechanics for relics sold at the Dapper Demon, as related to Arcane Circle's Rolling system. If you use a different system, feel free to change the mechanics of these items to suit your needs.

Amulet of Infatuation

Sphere of All

Wraith Bomb

Katana of Truth

Scroll of Aethersight

The Fragile Urn

Wonderful Snow Globe

Enchanted Music Box

Bag of Lost Junk

Spectral Lantern

Ring of Unfeeling

Bag of Winds

The Noose

Amulet of Infatuation

The Amulet of Infatuation, otherwise known as the Amulet of Love, is a powerful but conditional artifact. It does not actually make a person love anyone, but it does render them utterly infatuated, and strongly attracted to someone. Only if they have this piece of jewelry on their person. The giver of the amulet must first recite the incantation:
"My want for thee is boundless, and bordering on greed. Without your affections, upon the ground I'll bleed."
Once the incantation is done, the next person to wear the amulet will become utterly infatuated with the person who caste the incantation. They will remain infatuated with the caster until the item is no longer in their possession, upon which, they will become aware of the fact they were charmed in such a way. Once this occurs, the incantation will need to be repeated, and the amulet can be used again.

OOC: This particular item is largely open to interpretation between the parties involved. I strongly recommend checking with the person you intend to use this on OOCly before attempting to use it. Without permission expressly stated, this sort of thing can be unpleasant for the 'Charmed' party.

Katana of Truth

The Katana of Truth is only a weapon for the most honest of fighters. A beautifully masterwork as far as martial weapons go, whoever holds onto this weapon, or even wears it on their hip, will be completely unable to tell a lie so long as they have it. But at the same time, any foe who is as much as pricked with the weapon's point, will be unable to lie until the next rising of the sun, and compelled to answer any questions they are asked. The wielder is only phased so long as the weapon is on their person, the effect leaving as soon as it is in no way touching their person.

OOC: When holding this weapon, you are unable to lie. If you plan to use this weapon in a scene with another player, perhaps for an interrogation, they will need to roll an 18 or higher on a D20 with no modifiers in order to tell a lie. Though the lie will be so forced, that it should be obvious that it is a lie. As with all things, please seek consent from your RP partner before using something like this on them.

The Hangman's Noose

Lets be honest. Who doesn't want to be accompanied by a semi-sentient rope? There is speculation and belief that this rope is haunted by the spirit of a hangman, who was hung by his own rope. Others say that it's just a quickened length of rope. In either case, this item acts as a quick acting, long ranged weapon. It's only attack however, is strangling enemies to death.

OOC: In DND terms, this weapon's attacks should be treated as a bonus action: Send after a single enemy and slowly suffocate them for 1d10 asphyxiation damage per turn.

The Looking Glass

The looking glass is the sort of relic that a spymaster, mafia boss, or anyone else who wants to see things they're not supposed to. Speak the name of the person you wish to scry, and picture their face as you do so. So long as you peer into the mirror, you will see the world through their eyes, with little chance of your efforts being noticed. But beware: If the person you're scrying looks into the mirror themselves, you may be stuck living as one another for a while.

OOC: If you want to be a proverbial 'fly on the wall' for the purpose of advancing a story along, or if you want to setup some elaborate body-swapping RP, this is the proper relic to do so with. As with all things, please make sure your RP partner is willing to go through with this sort of thing before you actually, do it. There are no roll mechanics for this item.

This item was sold to Marvina Lieuxmordt on 3/4/2022, and is now considered a Legacy Item

Scroll of Aethersight

Sometimes you need to see magic, more than everything else around you. If you glance at the scroll of Aethersight, you will be effectively blind for the duration of an hour, but you will able to see ambient aether.

OOC: This one feels self explanatory. Give your character aethersight for one hour, but leave them physically blind.

Sphere of All

The future is a fickle beast, and to look upon it with certainty is impossible. However, with the sphere of all, it is possible, to see at least one possibility. It is up to you not to be driven mad, by these possibilities.

OOC: The Sphere of All is intended as a Theoretical future telling, exposition device. Telling the future is effectively impossible, because as soon as you see the future, your course of actions change. But if you and your friends want to play with potential futures and 'What if' scenarios, this is the ideal plot device for that sort of thing.

The Fragile Urn

An ancient, and very haunted urn that is said to be a bridge between our world, and the enigmatic afterlife. Each time the urn is rubbed, the spirit who is most on your mind shall appear for no greater than one minute. There are many cracks upon the urn's surface, and another forms after each use. It is anyone's guess how many more uses it truly has in it.

OOC: This plot device is intended for a quick means to commune with the dead for a few fleeting moments. Theoretically, it could last forever. But, every time you use it you should roll 1d6. If it lands on a 1, the urn will shatter and become unusable.

The Wonderful Snowglobe

Sometimes you just want a nice, pleasant snowfall. Other times you want to royally screw up everyone's day by snowing in all their houses and forcing them to ration cans of beans until the snow melts. Either way, this will do the trick. Give it a shake, and you'll get your own winter wonderland. Furiously shake it for a while, and enjoy a nice blizzard!

OOC: Please don't try to use this in an RP hub. Or do. This makes snow. It makes a lot of snow. With great power comes great responsibility.

Enchanted Music Box

Sometimes the ultimate weapon, is dance. In this case, making everyone else dance as long as they listen to this music box's enchanting tune. A perfect utility for a thief who wants to loot a busy room unbothered. The only defense against this particular item? Earplugs. Or, being deaf.

OOC: A while ago, I had this idea for a burglar who steals from banks and such by making everyone in the room, dance. I never actually did it, so instead, here's a means for you to do that. Or, alternatively, annoy all your friends by forcing them all to dance while you laugh at them.

The Bag of Lost Junk

There's one guaranteed means to find things that would otherwise be lost forever, and this is it. You never really know what you're going to get from here. It could be a long lost relic from ages past, or it could be a fistful of old chips that fell behind someone's couch.

OOC: When using the bag, roll 1d100. If you roll 1-99, you get a random, worthless piece of junk. If you roll a 100, pull out something rare, unique, and interesting! Exactly what any of that is, is more or less up to you completely.

Spectral Lantern

If you have trouble with ghosts, or just want to see if you can find any at your local graveyard, this is certainly the item for you. Enchanted with a special light that not only reveals spirits, but briefly makes them tangible! This is not necessarily a good thing, if the ghost is hostile.

OOC: For any story involving ghosts, I really can't think of a better thing to have on hand. See ghosts. Touch ghosts. Do whatever you want to ghosts. No rolls necessary as far as I'm concerned.

Ring of Unfeeling

Sometimes, you just don't want to feel anything. Physically, or emotionally. As it turns out, there's an enchantment for that too. Wearing the Ring of Unfeeling makes a person like iron - Cold, tough, and unfeeling.

OOC: This ring actually comes with a few important buffs. +2 to your armor value (Or scale it to whatever system you use) and complete immunity to things like terror and intimidation. Your character feels No emotions while wearing this ring.

Bag of Winds

Perpetual energy! Sort of. Opening the Bag of Winds brings with it the force of a hurricane, making the bag rather difficult to handle. Though, if you have a sailboat, this would certainly make it a fast sailboat, assuming your mast could stand up to the gale force.

OOC: For combat purposes, opening this bag deals a wide cone of knock-back to all nearby enemies, but also knocks down whoever happens to be using it unless they roll a 15 or higher on a d20. Any other applications of unlimited wind-power are up to your imagination.

Wraith Bomb

For someone who is interested in trying out necromancy, but not fully invested in it yet. This contains a very pissed off wraith, that blindly attacks everything in its vicinity after it's summoned, before swiftly vanishing. Like any bomb, it's best not to let it explode right next to you.

OOC: The wraith bomb acts as a spirit-flavored AOE. Throw into a group of enemies, watch the wraith dish out 1d20+10 damage to any enemies in its general radius, and hide behind something to make sure you don't get caught in the mayhem.


This is not a weapon for the feint of heart, but for the most cold-blooded of assassins who simply do not value their own lives any longer. An all but guaranteed kill against an enemy, but with a small chance of doing the same to whoever uses it.

OOC: This dagger essentially inflicts doom on whoever gets stabbed by it. They will die in 5 minutes if they are not cleansed. However, the same applies to the user. Every time you stab someone with this dagger, you must roll 1d100. If it rolls a 1 or 2, inflict doom on yourself.

This item was sold to Marvina Lieuxmordt on 3/4/2022, and is now considered a Legacy Item


A weapon only suited for the most desperate of people. This axe carries with it the rage and anger of a thousand battles, and throws a person into a battle frenzy whenever they use it. While becoming an unstoppable juggernaut might sound appealing, it's worth noting that in the heat of combat, it can be difficult to process friends and foes.

OOC: This weapon deals compounding damage every time it hits (+1d4 damage stacking every time it hits an enemy) However, there is a chance that you could accidentally hit an ally instead of an enemy. Any crit fail with this weapon, results in your next attack being directed towards your nearest ally.

This item was sold to Marvina Lieuxmordt on 3/4/2022, and is now considered a Legacy Item

Sands of Time

Frankly, no one should actually have this artifact. It's incredibly dangerous, and can cause a multitude of problems. But if you must have it, then I'll at least explain how it works. If you tilt it so that the sand flows at a slower rate, you will slow down time around you relative to the speed of the falling sand. If you tip it on its side, you will stop time completely -- However, this also has a tendency to summon swarms of temporal demons in the vicinity, that kill everything around you without remorse. If you shatter the hourglass you'll probably die. If you turn the hourglass upside down, you'll reverse time, but it won't flow the same when it is turned back over.

OOC: The sands of time is an overpowered relic, balanced only by the fact that it almost never works in favor of the person that uses it. It's safer to just never use it, but if you really want to mix up things around you, this is.. Well this is a way.

This item was sold to Marvina Lieuxmordt on 3/4/2022, and is now considered a Legacy Item

Godly RelicsConceptual, powerful weapon designs, tied to quests to make the obtainable

Haos - The Gauntlets of Chaos

Arisu's Staff

Eclipse - Sword of the Stars

Fellibylur - Glaive of the Hurricane

Marzan - Scale of Sujen

Inferno - Vagrurok's Blade

Ísstormur - The Blizzard

Salir - The Tome of the Damned

Onyx - The Staff of Destiny

The Tome of the Archfey

The Black Star

Skuggablaeja - The Shadow

Haos - The Fists of Chaos

Forged by Iton, this weapon of the gods utilizes chaotic energy to greatly amplify its damage output. Controlled chaos is the key. You never really know what will actually occur, when a weapon like this is brought into the battlefield.

Mayhem - Every attack made by this weapon, had an additional, chaotic effect on top of its base damage, based upon this table:
1.) Fist of Fire - Deal an additional 12 Fire Damage
2.) Fist of Ice - Freeze an enemy for one turn and deal 12 Ice damage.
3.) Fist of Lightning - Deal an additional 12 lightning damage that also reduces MP by the same.
4.) Fist of Earth - Temporarily boost your own armor value by +3 until you next take damage. Does not stack.
5.) Fist of Vengence - Restore an amount of HP equal to damage dealt.
6.) Atomic Fist - Deal and additional 30 Damage, and stun any enemy for one turn.
Havoc - Three times per day, unleash havoc. Focus three powerful attacks on an enemy in a single turn, adding Haos's Mayhem mechanics add the end of the turn.Madness - Strike an enemy and inflict a state of madness for 3 turns. While in a state of madness, all rolls carried out by this enemy have disadvantage, and attack damage is half reflected back on them. This skill can be used once per day, however, you can continue attempting to use it until it lands successfully.Pandemonium - Once per day, smash your fists into the ground and unleash a torrent of chaos over the entire battlefield, causing any enemy who fails a willpower DC of 15 to waste their strongest available attack on their own ally, or their strongest heal on one of your allies.

Staff of Chaos - Arisu's Keepsake

While it isn't something she carries often, Arisu's staff is sometimes a useful tool for her to control the chaotic energy around her. In the hands of another, it can be difficult to use. While she has mastery, anyone else using this weapon is still limited by their own natural aether pool.

Chaotic Attunement - Whenever the staff is used offensively, the spell randomly switches between elemental attunements, dealing an additional 1d8 damage as well as a random status effect if any attack connects. Roll 1d6 for effect.
1.) Lightning (Stuns enemy for one turn)
2.) Fire (Additional 1d4 burning Damaage over time for 4 turns)
3.) Earth (Increases casters defense by Id4 for one turn)
4.) Ice Chills opponent, disadvantage for 1d4 turns)
5.) Water (Rust's armor, reducing armor by -2 for 1d4 turns)
6.) Wind (Knocks opponent into a prone position, disadvantage on dodges for 1 turn)
Creation - Once per day, spawns one of any object into reality, so long as it is no larger than 10 by 10 feet in size.Destruction - Once per day, this weapon can cast a free, devestating attack that deals 1d20 + 20 damage in a 50 yard AOE.Wild Gambit - Roll 1d2 during combat. If it lands on 2, it reduces an enemy to 1/2 HP. If it lands on 1, reduces the HP of the caster to 1/2.
Arcane Circle
Apocalypse - Once per day, force everyone on the field to do a dodge/defend roll against a flat contest of 10. Anyone who fails to dodge, or get behind cover, takes 5D20 Damage.

Eclipse - Tao's Relic Weapon

Forged from the heart of a being that is older than the stars itself, the blade known as Eclipse is truly one of a kind.

Solar Eclipse - Once per day, this weapon has the ability to completely remove any trace of natural light from a wide area, rendering everyone except whomever holds the weapon and their allies, blind, for a 3 turns. All attacks made by foes have disadvantage, and all attacks made by allies have advantage.
Lunar Eclipse - Once per day, encapsulate the area around you and those nearby in a celestial barrier. The barrier itself has 100hp, and an armor value of 17. Nothing can enter the barrier until it's broken. Barrier lasts for 5 turns, unless it is broken beforehand.Fate of the Stars - Once per day, roll 4d20's and save the numbers for later. At any time, you can replace either your own roll, a party member's roll, or an enemy's roll with the number you wrote down.Rapture - Once per week, target all enemies on the battlefield. Any mobs-enemies who fail to resist a DC 15 dodge are struck with a beam of light from the heavens that abruptly pulls them directly into the void of space. Boss enemies who fail to resist take 5D20 Celestial damage.Supernova - All successful attacks with this weapon deal an additional 10 Celestial damage, and restore 10MP.The Singularity - This ability can be used Once, destroying the weapon in the process. Rupture the blade of the weapon and create a black hole singularity. This will consume everything, on the planet. Including the caster.

Fellibylur - The Huricane

It is said that this weapon was crafted in the middle of a powerful tropical storm, by an Arcane Blacksmith who absorbed the power of the gales, and imbued that very same weapon with its power. While this might simply be a folk legend, the power of this weapon is unmistakable.

Eye of the Storm: Once a day, create an area of peace, and calm, even in the middle of an otherwise chaotic battle. Nothing that steps within the eye of the storm can attack, and allies within the eye regain 1d10HP per turn. Eye of the storm lasts for 10 turns, and temporarily ends combat
Category Ten: Once a day, call forth on the power of wind to attack virtually any number of enemies, knocking them down, and dealing 2D20+20 damage to each of them. One roll with advantage, all targets.Swift Winds: This weapon gains an additional chance to hit, every time that it's used in combat. If you would normally roll 1d20, roll 2. If you would normally roll 2, roll 3Cleansing Breeze: Able to cleanse any ally of any curse, affliction, or negative status effect, for only one MP. Once per day, this renders all allies immune to all status effects for 4 turns.Gust: Harnessing the power of the gales, swiftly change your position in the battlefield. Giant advantage on all dodge attempts at no additional cost, negate damage from falling, and temporarily enter a state of flightHurricane: Once per Year, call forth the unbridled power of a true, fully realized hurricane onto the battlefield, and likely a large portion of the world as a whole. Whipping winds, pouring rain, and flying debris create random and unpredictable elements on the battlefield.

Himneskt - Staff of Celestial Light

For every hundred warriors and heroes that enter the battlefield, there is likely only one who dedicates their efforts to healing, rather than harming. And of all the healers in all the world, only one will wield this staff.

Mechanics:Twist of Fate - Once per day, swap the HP of one ally, with the current HP of a mob enemy. If the HP of that enemy exceeds that of the ally, refills ally HP with the enemy's health pool.Moonlit Bastion - Once per day Create a dome of celestial magic energy that renders anyone inside of the dome invisible to anyone outside of it, whilst restoring 1d12+8 HP for five turns, for five pulses.Holy Restore - Once per day, restore up to 5 downed allies to full HP, in one turn.Celestial Succor - For 5MP, creates a barrier around an ally that gives them 1d12 HP as temporary HP.Invigorate - Once per day, restore all of your allies MP and AP to full.

Inferno - Vagrurok's Blade

It's difficult to understand the amount of power it takes to decimate entire worlds. Until you've experienced it a thousand times over.

Hellfire - Unleash the raw, uncompromising power of fire against your enemies. Send out a massive arc of fire that deals 50 Damage on contact, and an additional 10 fire damage per turn, for four turns. DC 13 to dodge.
Leader of Hordes - Call upon the an army of demons, summoning 1d20 Demons onto the field of battle. Can be used until 100 demons, total, have been summoned.Incomprehensible Power - The wielder of this great weapon can force an entire party, three times per day, to make a DC 15 willpower save. If they fail, all of their feats and special abilities are locked for their next two turns.Anguish - Target a single enemy. A contested roll with no modifiers then takes place. If the enemy fails to win the contest, they will be burned from the inside, dealing 30 fire damage that ignores any mitigations.Merciless - Any damage dealt directly with this weapon, deals an additional 20 Fire Damage

Isstormur - Restored

The weapon Cymjir used to win the Tournament of Ascension, a long time ago. Now restored to its full potential.

Eternal Ice - In addition to dealing normal damage, this weapon deals an additional 10 ice damage on every successful attack.Hailstorm - Twice per day, call upon a mighty hailstorm. Ice spikes rain from above, and impale any target who fails to meet a DC 15 dodge with a spike of ice, dealing 40 ice damage to multiple targets.Blizzard - Once per day, channel a massive blizzard in a wide area. Deals 40 ice damage to all enemies until the caster is interrupted.Cymjir's Blessing - Whilst having this weapon, you are bolstered against incoming damage. The first 5 points of any damage taken is automatically nullified.

Salir - Sahvi's Relic Weapon

Once thought to be a tome, Salir was actually an ancient soul crystal. The symbols and etchings upon it, the very same used by Necromancers, and Liches alike. It is unlike any focus she's used before.

Dark Summons -Three times per day, call forth a cursed wraith to attack. The wraith deals 30 damage against a target, healing for half the amount of damage dealt. If the attack is a critical success, inflict lesser doom upon an enemy, stripping them of 50% of their max HP on their next turn. Costs 5HP, every attempt.
Unholy Negotiation - HP can be transferred into MP at a ration of 1 to 2 at any given time.Dark Pact - For 10MP and 5HP, bind yourself in a one-way pact with an enemy. Whenever the caster takes damage, half of that damage is instead re-directed towards the target of the pact. Any healing the victim of the pact is given, is also half taken by the caster. The dark pact last until the other person is killed, or cleansed.Necrosis - Any damage dealt using Salir deals an additional 10 Necrotic damage, and heals the caster or a chosen ally for the same value.Demonic Possession - Three times per day, take over the next action carried out by an enemy. They cannot be forced to damage themselves, but anything else is possible (including, doing nothing). Costs 5HP to cast. DC 15 Willpower check to resist.Lichdom - By placing a piece of one's soul into the tome, it becomes a reliquary. A ritual can be carried out later by allies to restore Salir's owner to life if they are killed in battle. However, this ceremony destroys Salir in the process.

Skuggablea - Rose's Relic Weapon

Though it was quite a venture collecting the parts for this one, we managed to collect the ashes from a handful of departed High-Vampires. The finished product was a sword lighter than air, that not light reflects off the surface of.

Mechanics:Shadow Meld - So long as there is darkness in an area, you will be able to intermingle with it. Encompass yourself in darkness and become invisible to the naked eye, allowing you to strike unseen.Vampire's Favor - At night, you are able to transform into a cauldron of bats. You cannot attack, or be attacked, while in this form.Soul of Riskel - When attacking an enemy that is not already engaged in combat, from behind, or after using Shadow Meld, add an additional +10 to your attack, and deal an extra 15 damage.Soul of Sorina - Once per day, shroud the entire area around you in a cloud of darkness, blinding all enemies in the area and allowing your allies an opportunity to escape from combat. Teleport self and allies to the nearest safe area.Soul of Kayne - Three times per day, you are able to cast a ranged attack of pure dark energy with advantage. If it lands, deals 30 damage and swaps your position with theirs. Alternatively, swap places with an ally. Both you and your ally gain 15 HP.Soul of Viktor - Any damage dealt with this weapon deals an additional 10 Necrotic damage, and heals the wielder for an equal amount. Once per day, you can attempt a powerful necrotic heal, to deal 35 damage, and restore 35 HP.

The Black Star

Those who seek the apex of power often find themselves looking towards the stars for answers. While this weapon does not deal with fate or constellations, it deals with the raw power of space and time.

Mechanics:Super Nova - Unleash the raw power of a burning star. Once per day, cast a wave of intense fire in a wide forward arc, dealing 1d20+10x2 Fire damage to all enemies in a cone in front of you, and an additional 1d8 Fire damage per turn for 4 turns.Black Hole - Once per day, create a microscopic black hole in the space ahead of you. All enemies who fail to dodge this attack are sucked into its center. Mob enemies are instantly killed. Boss enemies sustain 2d20 damage. This attack rolls with a +8Dwarf Star - Once per day, summon a small dwarf star. The dwarf star has 10HP but deals 1d20 fire damage to anything that it touches. Caste as an action, but commanded as a bonus action.Continuum - Once per day, completely rewind time by three turns, resetting all stats. Allies will gain advantage as they re-try the next two three turns on all actions.Cosmic Burns - All damage rolls deal an additional 1d12 Damage.Nebula - This skill can be used once. Deals 5d100+100 damage to anything that it touches, rolling with advantage and a +10. Once this skill is used, the weapon is destroyed.

Studningur - Book of the Archfey

Scholars around the world rely on summoned fairies as their source of power. But compared to the power of the Archfey, these powers pale in comparison. With this you can call upon the powers of life and death themselves.

Mechanics:Archfey's Blessing - Once per day, everyone in your party a barrier of 25 temporary HP. HP remains for ten turns.Titania's Gambit - For the cost of 10MP, roll 2d20's. The result of one of these rolls will deal an equal amount of damage to one enemy (Bypassing any damage reduction, or armor) and the other will heal an ally for the result of that roll.Baba Yaga's Nightmare - Once a day, inflict up to 10 lesser enemies with horrible nightmares, causing them to flee from combat for 2 turns. Any attacks used against them while they are fleeing deal 200% damage, strike with advantage, and ignore 50% of armor. Bosses do not flee, but other effects still apply.Bats of Neifion - Three times per day, summon a swarm of bats onto the field. These bats frantically attack an enemy, automatically dealing 1d12+20 damage, bypassing armor, and returning half of that damage dealt back to the caster as MP.Pixie's Whim - For the cost of 5MP, transform any mob enemy into a random animal for 1d4 turns. Roll 1d6 to determine the animal.
1.) Rat
2.) Rabbit
3.) Deer
4.) Boar
5.) Goat
6.) Skunk

Onyx - Riah's Relic Weapon

The Manipulation of Fate is not as flashy or obvious as other forms of attack. But in some situations, it can be exactly what is needed to turn the tides of war in your favor. In the wrong hands, this sort of power can topple empires. Or perhaps the right hands, depending on your perspective.Riah obtained Onyx by assisting a group of rebels in toppling an oppressive theocratic government - It was gifted to her as a sign of good faith.

Mechanics:Fate - Automatically re-roll any critical failure while using this weapon. The first critical failure you roll every day is treated like a critical success.Misfortune - Twice per day, cast misfortune upon an enemy, automatically reducing their next three rolls by -6.Foresight - Twice per day, grant yourself or an ally foresight, increasing their next three rolls by +6.Divination - Once per day, before combat starts, roll 6D20's and note the results. At any time during that day, replace a roll made by yourself, an ally, or an enemy with the result of one of your saved rolls. Rolls expire at the end of the day.Second Try - Three times per day, you can simply undo the last action taken by an enemy or allies, forcing all parties involved to re-roll.Curse of Stasis - Once per day, for the duration of two turns, trap an enemy in complete stasis. They cannot move or act during these turns and their armor value is reduced by half.

Marzan - Scale of Sujen

A shield, made from an Irrum scale from Sujen himself - Gifted to Estelle for her skill in battle.

Immemorial Memorial - Upon recieving damage, the wielder of this shield instead takes 5 less damage, and chooses an ally to be healed by 5 HP.Marzan's Bulwark - Once per day, the wielder of Marzan may spend a turn channeling power through this shield. For 10MP, allies are granded +40 additional temporary HP that lasts until it is depleted.Rebuke - Once per day, the wielder of this shield may negate damage of any non-special spell (Normal ↔ Max) and return that attack to the enemy that fired it, at the cost of 20MP.War Turns - Attacks made while holding this shield do an additional +5 damage, and restore +5 health to the wielder, or to one of the wielder's allies.Child of Dragonsong - Twice per day, the wielder of this shield can pull upon the roots of the weapon and exhale a large plume of ice from their mouth in the shape of a cone. Allies within the cone are healed by 20, and enemies within the cone must roll against a DC of 10 or recieve 40 ice damage.Heart of Irrum - This ability may be used once per week. For one turn, allies are rendered invulnerable. In addition, for three turns, the wielder and their allies recieve a +8 to all attack and defense rolls made, in addition to other bonuses. Can be used outside of turn order.

Artifacts and Relics collected by the Circle. Most of which can be found around the estate, or in their ritual chamber behind lock and key.

Pandora's Box

The Core

Chains of Rozzon

Daimean Sglath

The Omen's Core

"I was worried. I think that anyone would've been, knowing where it came from, but the more we learned about it, the less afraid I was. Slowly, but steadily, excitement began to take over those nerves. I started to imagine all of the opportunities that it could offer... all of the good that could be done with it.Our research was careful, of course. Small things, at first, like a portal from one end of the room to the other. Then, bigger things, like the portal from Shirogane all the way to the Shroud. That's when I really started to get excited. What if it could... Well, it did, and I couldn't be any happier."

General Information— A unique and powerful device uncovered from the Omen after the rest of the orb had been destroyed. Covered in symbols not found on Hydaelyn, it has been confirmed to have come from another place entirely.— Originally tasked with handling navigation for the Omen, the Core has a significant stabilizaiton effect on portals opened nearby it, and allows for gateways opened to places beyond Hydaelyn to be opened safely, and without the traditional risks that come with opening such pathways. It has its limitations, but its possibilities and capabilities are vast and impressive.

Pandora's Box

"I've asked her at least a dozen times now, where she got that thing from. To date, she still hasn't really given me a straight answer.""Guys, how long has that thing been open?"

General Information— Believed to be a Mhachi sarcophagus, but with even more dubious origins. Avita obtained this over a year ago and hasn't really told anyone how, or why, she took it.— One day, the sarcophagus mysteriously opened itself up, and inside was a voidsent by the name of Pandora. While she is certainly dangerous, her current circumstances have her wings clipped. Now we have a voidsent maid at the estate. Here's to hoping she doesn't quite live up to her name.

Chains of Rozzon

"He was a monster. He twisted people's souls into wraiths in order to add the unwilling and the dead to his master's forces, and for a while, he had an entire world in a chokehold. I'm glad he's dead."

General Information— The Chains of Rozzon were at one point the primary weapon of a demonic jailer, who was capable of twisting the souls of the dead to do his bidding— Rozzon's chains still have a significant amount of power left in them, even after his death. Long range, the ability to inflict fire damage as well as toss smaller enemies across the battlefield, or bind them in place.

Combat Mechanics:
-Can be used for physical, or magical attacks
-Deals an additional 1d6 Fire damage on every hit
-Can snare enemies, dealing 1d6 Fire damage overtime

Daimean Sglath

"You did me a great service, and more importantly, you saved my daughter's life. Here. This is, the least I can do. May it protect you, as you've protected us."

General Information— A unique amulet given as a gift from an Ishgardian Lord for rescuing his daughter, and likely himself, from an assassination plot.— This amulet is imbued with a special ability knowns as a 'Diamond Ward', a small ward that temporarily renders its wearer impervious to any damage for a short period of time.

-Usable twice per day, renders the wearer impervious to oncoming attacks for 2 turns, but also prevents the wearer from moving/attacking during this period of invulnerability